Everyone has dream's
(edited by Vanessa)
The torture continues, poor little fellow, got poked with needles, blood is low again,got white blood transfusion yesterday, temperature up , Doctors don't give much hope for the treatment to work, little max did not respond as good a he should to the chemo, the blood test shows no bacteria but his fever and low blood proves, that the disease is still active, Vanessa and me, we were very upset about the sad news and we broke out in tears after receiving a call from Max's mom this noon, telling us while crying "I don't want to loose my boy" all her dreams for Max, leaving the hospital , where she stays with him since October last year, were chattered and the fear, of the possibility that she could loose her boy was devastating, that really made me so sad and made me realise how helpless we are, I went the hospital and I told both, mom and dad, never to give up hope but to be prepared for the worst, we don't want to think about it but we cannot ignore the fact that this disease can be deadly, It's all up to "GOD" there is always hope as long as we believe.
Do anyone have a video camera? Mine is spoiled and my camera's memory card is damaged too.
Just to do some videos of Max, thanks for your help.