Max and his battle
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
Miss those happy times
Talked to Tuk on phone only, she says max got fever and they got to make a blood test again because he might have gotten bacteria again, who knows from where, no visitors, is this ever going to stop, poor Max, how much medicine he have to take in his young age, worried that even if he got better from his illness, is there any damage done to his health from all the medication, it scares me just to think about, Tuk is really up sad because no one comes to visit, she feels lonely and bored, everyone had flu, fever,trout pain or other reasons not to come, doctors also don't want many visitors, I'm feeling better today but I still don't think I should rush to meet Max, I want to wait till he got his chemo done, just to make sure that I don't carry any bacteria on me to him, sorry for Tuk but what to do, pray for him to be better soon, I want him to go to the beach, he loves it there, back to the older times, it was fun and Max were happier, I miss those times.
where are they