OK, mom is off to Thailand, to leave her lil sweetheart with her sister, heavy hearted, that was not an easy decision for her and for all those people who think that she gave her daughter away because she don't love her, well they all got small brains and think evil of everyone and everything, anyway she's gonna bring her back to Singapore as soon as possible, dad is taking her over at the hospital for the moment, he have to rush from hospital to work and back again for at least 3 times a day, Max was doing fine until the nurse came to clean his new line, he started kicking in panic, especially with his mom not around, understandable with all this pain he go through, on Monday I will babysit him til his mom arrives from Bangkok, Liza visited Max today and babysit ted him for a few hours because dad had to work, Max was sleeping most of the time,Liza got bored...haha, Peter,Madeline,Kung's mom,Diann came in the morning and Nasir came about 5pm, after work, for a visit, so again plenty of visitors and lot's of happy time for Max.