are smaller now and that is a good sign, the red blood is good but the white blood is still to less, he is still receiving blood transfusion on daily basis, today while having his high fever he called out for his daddy, daddy needs to work, he managed to see Max for about 15 minutes LOL, Max wasn't to thrill about that, night time he calls out for mom, he says"mummy come, cold"he is shivering from his fever, Tuk crawl into his bed every night til he's ok and back to sleep, just now when I called he said to his mom"mummy Beat daddy"haha naughty naughty, then he called me tee(for auntie) and looked for his monkey as usual, well he knows me, actually the chemo will be until tomorrow afternoon but the Doctor said Max must still stay in isolation room, errrr WTH, how long is that going to take, patience Leila, relax, Tuk and Max are the one who suffer, we just miss them, LOL talking to myself.
Max and his battle
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Friday, April 4, 2008
At last some improvements
Today's test has shown that there are some improvements on Max's condition, even if Max is still having a very high fever (40+ AND IT'S DUE TO THE CHEMOTHERAPY), his Liver and Spleen(The spleen is an organ involved in the production and maintenance of red blood cells, the production of certain circulating white blood cells, as a part of the lymph system, and as a part of the immune system,it is an organ located in the upper left part of the abdomen near the stomach)