Max and his battle
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Monday, April 21, 2008
Feeling a bit guilty
Wow,I wasn't at KK for quite a while now,think it was last Friday, hmmm so bad but I was busy with cleaning the things that I had not cleaned for some time now, after my job I admit I was lazy, lazy for the long way, busy too with blogging, got now my own page under the name Arlette which is my German name lol, you can pass by if you feel bored, anyway Tuk called me every day, she is still waiting for the bone marrow test result, she think she will get it by Wednesday, hope everything is best for Max, it just have to have a happy ending, for his sake, Tuk said Max had still fever and they still don't know why, now it's raining like crazy and I'm glad I did not go out of my house. Love you Max, I come as soon as possible to visit you. Muaks...Love ya!!

coming soon my darling