Max and his battle
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Friday, April 11, 2008
I don't want Max to leave us I want to see him grow
After all that he'd been true, why can't he get better, just now the doctor told Tuk that it looks very bad with Max, too many bacteria in his blood and the doctors don't know what more to do, he don't seams like in a good enough condition to have a bone marrow transplant, what can we do, if only I know what but I don't, we did have all the hope but the doctors are the one who take away the hope from us, it's not their fault, LCH is really rare and there is no special medication known, they just treat it with chemo, it's up to individual persons, how strong they are, Tuk was crying so badly, later I go to KK but what can I do, just give her some comfort, Matthew was shouting on the phone when I talked to him just now, he was so angry with the doctors and screamed "I don't want to loose my son",that is so hard, life is so hard on them, they already got so many other problems, why so unfair, just now I cried bud now I feel too sad to cry, so shocked because yesterday he seamed so happy, what can I say to Tuk and Matthew to make them feel better, what I really don't know, anyone who wants to see Max, just go ahead, go, you sure can't enter the room but maybe see him and talk to his mom and find out more about the situation, I try to update as good as I can.

stay with us for forever