To those who came and gave happiness to Max, thank you so much Nasir, Fadlin, Diann and grandmother, Mika and family, Adam(thanks for the gift)so sweet, me(Leila)and family and those who helped to cook some food(it was very tasty), you really showed your love, to those who wanted to come but really really could'nt, it's ok, at least you tried, to those who don't give a shit or had all kind of nonsense excuses (you know who you are)LOL, stop fooling yourself ...

we were here ...

No he was not drinking Tiger, just cheering for Manchester to win tonight, it did help haha ...

Many "friends" didn't show up at the barbecue Party, which was especially organised by Max parents, who wanted to thank everyone who cared for their little boy Max all this time, it was fun and the weather, food and mood where great only Tuk(Max mom) was a little sad, hey Tuk, cheer up and thank you so much for the barbecue, for all the hard job of preparing the food and organising the party, thanks for providing transport, sendin all of us to their own home, thanks for letting as be a part of Max happiness, love you guys, you are so special ...