Max and his battle
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Max at the Theme Park Pasir Ris
Hey , today we went to the fun fair, yes it really fun for us, don't know who enjoyed more, we or Max, lucky guess, US!! He He, Max took a ride in the airplane and wanted to go out very fast, I took a ride with him in the shoo shoo train and the first time he enjoyed but as soon as he got tired he were moody too, Tuk screamed her lungs out, we tricked her into the fun fairs, well she regretted it LOL, she was so scared, she showed us how she were sweating out of fear, ewe!! All her sweat on us, then we went into the hunted house, big mistake, never ever go with Tuk in a hunted place, you will surly regret it an suffer the pain, LOL, she kept on screaming, it wasn't that scary but I shocked by their screams, at one time Tuk got so scared and faster jumped on me, OUTCH, I knocked into a metal fence and felt like strangling her, I was like owwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrr whatever that means, later on Matthew joined us and went into almost all the rides, in one of the rides he kept on mumbling Oh my God, Oh my God, in the other he kept on saying, Leila you tricked my AHHHH AHHHH!! Ha ha, I was innocent, why blame me, well at least he didn't wipe his sweat on us ... Boohoo !! ...