First when we entered the Discovery Center it was like, Oh Dear!! Was it a good idea to bring Max here, Max was scared because the place was very dark, guess he got his parents genes, ha ha, he wanted us to bring him out again but we just continued the discovery, after a while Max was OK, phew ... lucky, he even enjoyed some of the activities over there, it wasn't a waste ...

later we went to have some food and drinks at the Discovery Center, little Max(well he is now little again)got so used to it to eat Pizza and he loves it but mom ordered spaghetti for him, WOW!! He wasn't to happy about that and showed us his attitude, he wanted to hold his food in his own hands, Tuk placed some Spaghetti on his hands, ha ha, so funny, you must have seen his reaction, he was screaming and shouting, Tuk had to control herself not to ... , LOL,I had an idea, I took a paper plate, folded it like a Pizza shape and placed some of the cheese and Spaghetti on top of it, he was happy and satisfied and we had our Peace again, he kept holing his Spaghetti in a Pizza shape in his hand and nibbled, if even some time had a bite of the plate, well he didn't complain at at all, we had back our sweet and funny little Max whom we all adore ...